All- Ukrainian Children’s Contest drawings
In 2018 Charitable the ” Family Fund” Colgopher » and Khmelnitsky oblast scientific and methodical center culture and art Ukrainian competition held childcreativity ( children’s drawings ) ” We create good for the sake of peace” . This competition is organized with support Management culture , nationalities and religions Khmelnitskythe regional state-owned administration.
Muse Contest for children creativity ” We create good for the sake of peace” is a popular favorite , a singer – Tony Matviyenko .
The purpose of the competition is the formation of a positive humanistic image created children , upbringing in children feeling responsibility and mutual assistance ,promotion of spiritual development growing up generation . Competition-festival is haunting achievement the following tasks : – development fantasy , creativeabilities and cultural development children ; – education children in spirit love and caring attitude towards one ‘s own family , region, Fatherland ; – formation patriotic andhumanistic values , socially responsible the outlook of children ; – engagement children to the process the formation of a cultural environment Ukraine ; – expansion participationchildren in celebration International Day of Protection children ; – strengthening interaction and cooperation between the executive bodies power and local self-government , culturalinstitutions , charitable and community organizations in the field education and cultural development children .
For the preparation of the competition in 2018 is being created Organizing committee , in composition whose are included representatives Khmelnitsky regional the scientific and methodological center of culture and art and the Foundation ” Family” Colgopher . “ Of the Organizing Committee by decision Organizers can also to invite representatives organs state-owned power , public and charitable organizations , enterprises and institutions , as well as figures culture and art .
To participate in the Competition are invited children junior ( from 3 to 7 years ), middle ( from 8 to 12 years ) and senior ( from 13 to 16 years old ) school age from all Of Ukraine .
Terms participation :
- Reception artistic works ( drawings , panels, applications etc. ) will continue from 01.02 to 01.05.2018.
- To participate in the Competition Festival participants have send to the address Organizing Committee ( 29013, Khmelnytsky city , Kamyanets’ka str . , 21 ) your work with completed by the participant’s questionnaire signed in accordance with the requirements of the Contest-Festival.
Selection the best works will carry out Jury of the Contest, in the composition whose will come in outstanding figures culture and art . Members The Jury determines the ContestOrganizing Committee.
100 best children’s Works selected The jury will take part in the exhibition organized in Brussels academic the regional musically drama theater them. M. Staritskogo to theInternational Day of Protection Children on June 1 , 2018. Also will be to be held exhibitions children’s drawings in various Locations from June to December 2018. Authors works willparticipate in the exhibition, will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.
The address for admission children’s drawings have a postal address
BO “The Fund of the Family Colgopher »:
29013, Khmelnitsky city , st . Kamenetzka , 21
Participant of children’s contest drawings “CREATING GOOD WORDS” |
П.І.Б. ( contestparticipant ) |
Age the participant of thecontest and itsdate birthday ( ) |
Name educationalinstitution (school,kindergarten ) |
The mailing address ofthe contest participant ( index , city / village,street , house , apartment)
П.І.Б. and mobile phone number of one of theparents (in order to securefurther participation childat hand valuable a gift inKyiv in case of a victory in the Competition ) |
- П.І.Б. ( contest participant )
- Age contest participant and date of birth ( )
- Name educational institution (school, kindergarten )
- Postal address of the participant ( index , city / village, street , house , apartment)
- П.І.Б. and mobile phone number of one of the parents (in order to secure further participation child at hand valuable a gift to Khmelnytsky in case of a victory in the Competition )
date of filling