The Concept of
All-Ukrainian Contest of Children’s Creativity
In 2019 the Khmelnytsky Regional Scientific-Methodical Center of Culture and Arts and the Charitable Foundation of Kolgofer’s Family will host the All-Ukrainian Children’s Creativity Contest “Let’s Create Good for the Sake of Peace”.
This competition is organized with the support of the Department of Culture, Nationalities, Religions and Tourism of the Khmelnytsky Regional Administration.
The creative mentor and co-organizer of the children’s art contest “Let’s Create Good for the Sake of Peace” in 2019 is the Honoured Artist of Ukraine, the singer – OLEXANDER PONOMARIOV.
The purpose of the competition is to form a positive humanistic image created by children, to raise children’s sense of responsibility and mutual assistance, to promote the spiritual development of the younger generation.
Contest-festival is pursuing the following tasks:
– development of fantasy, creative abilities and cultural development of children;
– raising children in the spirit of love and careful attitude towards their own family, country, Fatherland;
– formation of patriotic and humanistic values, socially responsible outlook of children;
– involving children in the process of forming the cultural environment of Ukraine;
– increasing the participation of children in the celebration of the International Children’s Day;
– strengthening of cooperation and collaboration between executive authorities and local government, cultural institutions, charitable and community organizations in the field of education and cultural development of children.
For the preparation and holding of the Contest in 2019, an Organizing Committee is being set up. It includes representatives of the Khmelnytsky Regional Scientific and Methodological Center for Culture and Arts and the Charitable Foundation of Kolgofer’s Family. Representatives of state authorities, public and charitable organizations, enterprises and institutions as well as artists can also be invited to be members of the Organizing Committee by the decision of the Organizers.
The entry consists of two components:
1) A story, an cautionary tale (written in prose) that would reveal (explained by example) one of the following concepts: GOOD, LOVE, RESPECT, FRIENSHIP, HONESTY, DECENCY and RESPONSIBILITY.
2) Drawings (illustrations) to a story or a cautionary tale.
Children aged 5 to 17 from all over Ukraine are invited to participate in the Competition.
Conditions of participation:
- Reception of works (stories written in prose, drawings and / or illustrations) will last from 14.02 till 01.05.2019.
- To participate in the Competition, the participants must send their work (in two components) to the electronic and postal addresses of the Organizing Committee together with filled in Participant’s Questionnaire in accordance with the requirements of the Contest.
The selection of the best works will be carried out by the Jury of the Contest, which will include prominent figures of culture and art. The members of the Jury of the Competition shall be determined by the Organizing Committee.
The best works to be selected by the Jury will be published in the collection of children’s works, as well as the best drawings (illustrations) will take part in the exhibition organized in the Khmelnytsky Academic Regional Musical Drama Theater named after M. Starytskyi dedicated to the International Children’s Day on June 1, 2019.
In addition, each winner (10-15 people) will receive a super-prize – I-Pad for drawing!!!
The address for acceptance of competitive works
(stories written in prose and children’s drawings (illustrations)
is the postal address of the Charitable Fund of Kolgofer’s family”:
29013, Khmelnitsky city, st. Kamyanetska, 19/1-A.
You also need to send the entry to the e-mail address:
Participant of children’s drawing contest
Name/Surname (of the participant of the competition) |
Age of contestant and date of birth ( |
Name of educational institution (school, kindergarten) |
The postal address of the contestant (index, city / village, street, house, apartment)
Name/surname and the number of the mobile phone of one of the parents (in order to ensure the further participation of the child in the delivery of a valuable gift in Khmelnytskyi in case of a victory in the Competition) |
- Name/Surname (of participant of the contest)
- Age of participant of the contest and their date of birth (
- Name of educational institution (school, kindergarten)
- Postal address of the participant of the competition (index, city / village, street, house, apartment)
- Name/Surname and the number of the mobile phone of one of the parents (in order to ensure the further participation of the child in the delivery of a valuable gift in Khmelnytskyi in case of a victory in the Competition)
Date of completion