Holiday for the wise: October 1 welcomed the elderly

The Day of the Elderly – a truly bright and well-celebrated holiday. It is accepted to greet all people who are 65. And in Ukraine on October 1, this is also the day of the veteran. And in the Great Matsevichs, dozens of gray bears visited the celebration to hear the deserved words of gratitude for their hard work.


The event was organized at the initiative of the head of a veteran organization, which is constantly working with its colleagues for the benefit of veterans. They not only realize the celebrations, but also go to the elderly, who are difficult to take care of themselves, as well as remove the graves of dead veterans. And for those who continue to live actively and enjoy life, passing their wisdom to the younger generations – the words of gratitude and sincere songs were performed by the students of Velikmaatsevitskaya NEC.


Today Vasyl Feofanovich is here. His father is a member of the Second World War. Theophan Kasyanovich was on the battlefield from the beginning to the end of the war, managed to resist and return home, and told the story from that time to his son, who, in turn, carried them through all his life.


Guests of the holiday – not only the participants of the Second World, but also those who passed Afghanistan, children of the war, liquidators at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and veterans of labor. And everyone behind him has a great rich history, full of joy and pain of loss.


Nikolai Ilyich was born and raised in Khmelnitsky, studied in Kamyanets-Podilsky, as all the men at that time – served, and then fell into the ranks of the Red Army. But his life was his passion for music. And recently, the dream came true – a song collection “Dole, my share” of 20 compositions, most of which was written by Nikolay Ilyich, came out into the world. And helped to realize the dreams of her husband, the charitable organization Kolmogaler Family Foundation.


At the same time, the benefactors brought nice gifts and song greetings to all veterans. After all, the elderly deserve attention and support.


Sincere congratulations to the children, warm words from the head of the veteran organization, authorities and philanthropists made this day truly special. But to respect their grandparents, grandmothers, great-grandfathers is not only for holidays, but daily. After all, the time is tirelessly going, and the moments spent with relatives – are priceless.

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