Free legal aid project


“To setup the primary and secondary legal aid in Letychiv and Medzhybizh local communities”

For implementation of the long-term plan for the formation capable Community in Khmelnytskiy Region there was established a number of new united local communities according to the decision of an extraordinary session of Khmelnytsky Regional Council in August 13, 2015, Letychiv and Medzhybizh united communities were created in Letychiv Region.

As a result of such changes 19 former village councils, which unites 57 villages formed two village communities in accordance with centers in Letichiv and Medzhybizh. Implementation of the major reform changes cause to the elimination of the village councils system and the formation of the united communities occurred in the absence of clear legislative settlement in areas as well as organizing the functioning of the newly formed local communities.

Lack of awareness about updates in local government functions and the renovation of their executive bodies generates a large number of questions of a legal nature in the residents of these areas.

How can we integrate primary and secondary legal aid at the newly formed local communities? For the first time in our country to answer this question there were united efforts of the local center of free secondary legal aid, charitable organizations and local government of newly united communities.

Project objectives. The project was aimed at ensuring the expansion of the mechanisms for implementation and protection rights of persons to have free legal aid. An important focus of the project was the need for monitoring the villagers in legal aid and access to justice. The project allowed to accumulate and summarize the interaction of public and charitable organizations, local centers which provide free legal aid and the newly formed local communities and to develop appropriate recommendations on this basis.

The aim was to achieve legal educational and charitable purposes. In particular, the integration of primary and secondary legal aid at Letychiv and Medzhybizh local communities was through joint cooperation between the Khmelnytsky center of free secondary legal aid, charitable organization “Kolgofer Family Fund” and the local newly united communities.

Key activities of the project. To make visits to rural areas of Letychiv and Medzhybizh united local communities for providing free primary and secondary legal aid; to consult on topical legal issues in institutions and organizations in Letychiv and Medzhybizh united local communities.

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