In 2018, the Kolgofer Family Foundation and the Khmelnitsky Oblast Scientific and Methodological Center for Culture and Art host the All-Ukrainian competition for children’s creativity (children’s drawings) “Creating good for the sake of peace”. This competition is organized with the support of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions of Khmelnitsky Regional State Administration.
The Museum of Children’s Creativity Contest “Let’s Do Good for Peace” is a folk favorite, singer – Toni Matvienko.
The purpose of the Contest is to develop a positive humanistic image created by children, to educate children with a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance, to foster the spiritual development of the younger generation. The competition-festival pursues the following tasks: – development of imagination, creative abilities and cultural development of children; – involvement of children in the process of forming the cultural environment of Ukraine; – increased participation of children in the celebration of the International Day for the Protection of Children; sheep authorities and local self-government, cultural institutions, charities and community organizations in the field of education and cultural development of children.
In order to prepare and hold the Contest in 2018, an Organizing Committee is formed, which includes representatives of the Khmelnytsky Oblast Scientific and Methodological Center for Culture and Arts and the Kolgofer Family Foundation. Representatives of public authorities, public and charitable organizations, enterprises and institutions, as well as cultural and artistic figures may also be invited to join the Organizing Committee according to the decision of the Organizers.
Children from younger (3 to 7 years), middle (8 to 12 years) and older (13 to 16 years) from all over Ukraine are invited to participate in the Contest.
Conditions of participation:
- The reception of works of art (drawings, panels, applications, etc.) will last from 01.02 to 01.05.2018.
- To participate in the Festival Contest, participants must send their work to the Organizing Committee (29013, Khmelnytskyi, 21, Kamianets’ka Str.) Signed with the Participant’s Application Form in accordance with the requirements of the Festival Contest.
Selection of the best works will be carried out by the Jury of the Contest, which will include prominent figures of culture and art. The members of the Jury of the Contest are determined by the Organizing Committee.
The 100 best children’s works selected by the Jury will take part in an exhibition organized at the Khmelnytsky Academic Regional Music and Drama Theater. M. Staritsky to the International Day for the Protection of Children on June 1, 2018. There will also be exhibitions of children’s drawings in various locations from June to December 2018. The authors of the works that will take part in the exhibition will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.
The address for the reception of children’s drawings is the mailing address of the “Kolgofer Family Foundation”: 29013, Khmelnitsky, str. Kamianets’ka, 21
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